My academic interest lies in animal welfare and behavioral development in animals.
After joining the Kyoto City Zoo from 1st June, 2017, I started to work with diverse animal species besides primates.
I am also in charge of developing strategies and systems to improve animal welfare of overall zoo collection in the Kyoto City Zoo in collaboration with other zoo staff. Please see the publication page for further information.
Keywords; Animal Welfare, Environmental Enrichment, Endocrinology, Behavior, Sociality, Primate, Chimpanzee, Slow loris, Stress, Behavioral Development, Zoo, Sanctuary
2013(Mar): Ph.D. Science. Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
2010 (Mar): M. Sc. Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
2008 (Mar): B. Sc. Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Japan
2017(June) - Present: Principal Researcher, Center for Research and Education of Wildlife, Kyoto City Zoo
2015 (Jan)- 2017 (May): Program-specific Assistant Professor, Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
2013(Apr)-2015(Jan): Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (PD), Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University, Japan
2010 (Apr) -2013(Mar): Research Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (DC1), Primate Research Institute
2018(June) Takashima Award (Japanese Primatological Society)
Ad-hoc Reviewer
Primates, General and Comparative Endocrinology, American Journal of Primatology, Scientific Reports, Zoo Biology, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, Animal Behaviour and Management, Animal Behavior and Cognition, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Animal Science Journal, Royal Society Open Science